1 医院生存所面临的挑战1.1 病员多层次分流 改革开放,国家确认了个体药店、个体诊所的补充地位,社会办医日益增多,医院在医药、医疗市场的主导地位受到冲击,致使病员多层次分流,业务量大幅度下降。1.2 “孔雀东南飞” 由于市场经济的影响,人们的价值观念发生了很大的变化,有一些有能力、有发展前途的老专家、青年骨干流向经济发达地区,研究生毕业经商,造成人员结构不合理。
1 The challenges faced by the hospital for survival 1.1 The multi-level diversion and reform of hospitals was implemented. The state confirmed the supplementary status of individual pharmacies and individual clinics. The number of social doctors was increasing. The dominant position of hospitals in the pharmaceutical and medical markets was impacted, resulting in multiple levels of patient diversion. , The business volume dropped significantly. 1.2 “Flying peacock southeast” Due to the influence of the market economy, people’s values have undergone great changes. There are some capable and promising old experts and young people’s backbones that have flowed into economically developed areas. Graduate students graduate from business and business, resulting in a lack of staff structure. reasonable.