中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A
Research on the Training Mode of Computer Application Technology Professionals Based on "1+X" Documentary and Evidence Integration
BAI Jun-fen
(Telecommunications Institute, Gansu Industry Polytechnic College, Tianshui 741025, China)
Abstract: Researched and analyzed the content and objectives of the "1+X" document card integration, followed the "1+X" document card integration mechanism, organically integrated the certificate training content into the professional talent training program, and established the "document card integration, education and training integration," The hierarchical promotion of the new mode of talent training based on the integration of competition and education provides a good reference for the training of "1+X" talents in computer majors in higher vocational colleges.
Key words: 1+X; book certificate integration; training program; training model; layered promotion
依據《国家职业教育改革实施方案》(简称“职教20条”)的精神,在职业院校正式启动“1+X”证书制度试点工作,“1+X”证书制度试点的重点内容之一是“书证融通”[1-2] 。