Socio-economic, Environmental and Health Aspects of Farm Workers Engaged in Mango Plantations

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyj132
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A cross-sectional survey of 489 male subjects in the age group 15 to 65 years engageddirectly or indirectly in mango cultivation along with 208 control subjects was carried out to find their socio-economic, environmental and health conditions. The conditions like high illiteracy rate (49.5%), poverty (PCI less than Rs 100 per month, 52.2%), poor housing (mud houses, 66.7%) unsafe water supply (78.6%) were prevailing in the surveyed population. The high respiratory morbidity may be attributed to high prevalence of smoking andprolonged inhalation of organic dusts during farming operation associated with illiteracyand poor socio-economic status. Gastrointestinal disorders were related to poor hygienic conditions, smoking and consumption of contaminated water. The symptoms pertaining to CNS, skin and eyes were found to be associated with exposure to pesticides A cross-sectional survey of 489 male subjects in the age group 15 to 65 years engageddirectly or indirectly in mango cultivation along with 208 control subjects was carried out to find their socio-economic, environmental and health conditions. The conditions like high illiteracy rate ( Poor housing (mud houses, 66.7%) unsafe water supply (78.6%) were prevailing in the surveyed population. The high respiratory morbidity may be attributed to high (49.5%), poverty (PCI less than Rs 100 per month, 52.2% prevalence of smoking and prolonged inhalation of organic dusts during farming operation associated with illiteracy and poor socio-economic status. Gastrointestinal disorders were related to poor hygienic conditions, smoking and consumption of contaminated water. The symptoms pertaining to CNS, skin and eyes were found to be associated with exposure to pesticides
局部晚期直肠癌可能需行邻近器官的多脏器联合切除术(MVR),而对肿瘤体积较大者,则很难确保足够的远端切除长度(DRM)。为研究直肠癌患者行MVR的适宜DRM,Kang H等收集了1995~200
  机动车辆保险业务是中国财产保险的重要支柱,通过设计一个NCD(无赔款折扣,No Claim Discount)制度来提供足够弹性费率,能够针对不同的投保人群体,根据不同时间、不同空间
【摘 要】本文以广西三江程阳桥景区为例,构建了旅游开发社区满意度评价指标体系,并运用SPSS等统计分析软件对影响三江程阳桥景区旅游开发居民满意度的因素进行分析。  【关键词】三江程阳桥景区;居民满意度;影响因素  1.引言  广西三江程阳桥景区是三江县境内最大的旅游景区,也是侗族文化和侗族风情旅游的典型景区。程阳桥景区位于三江县县城东北部的林溪河畔,核心景区由马安寨、平坦寨、平寨、岩寨、东寨、程阳