一、概述 既有线测量,主要包括沿铁路线路纵向丈量,导中线测量和水平测量。目前,这几项工作往往需要5~7人一组,由几个小组分别完成。其中,线路丈量是用20米钢尺,沿线路纵向一个尺段、一个尺段进行。在直线上沿钢轨顶丈量,曲线地段沿轨道中心丈量。同时,另一小组用30米钢尺进行复核。如铁路两侧遇有附属设备(信号机、各种线路标志、涵渠等),需要加标记录里程。导中线测量,按既有大型
First, an overview of existing line measurement, including longitudinal measurement along the railway line, the center line measurement and level measurement. At present, these tasks often require a group of 5 to 7 people, completed by several groups. Among them, the line is measured with a 20-meter steel ruler, along the length of the vertical section of a line, a block length. Measured along the top of the rail in a straight line, the curve of the lot along the track center measurement. In the meantime, another group checked with a 30-meter steel rule. If there is ancillary equipment (semaphores, various line signs, culverts, etc.) on both sides of the railway, additional mileage shall be recorded. Midline measurement, both large