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音影幻象:海顿,小号协奏曲最佳注脚:在“涨”声中升温相似度:50% 自房改以来,中国的房价这几年就如当年兴起的股票是一路飘红,高歌猛进,一不小心就翻了几番,看得消费者是目瞪口呆。如今各路英雄又纷纷登场,纵论2005年天下楼市,大家众口一词:“涨”。其实,这“涨”调不是靠说,得有众人齐唱,就像海顿小号协奏曲,独奏小号与其他乐器配合,才能奏出美妙的旋律。广州楼价的“涨声曲”也要我们的开发商、政府、专家学者们,当然还包括消费 Sound illusion: Haydn, trumpet concerto best footnote: Warming in the “rose” sound Similarity: 50% Since the real estate reform since the housing prices in recent years, just as the year when the rise of the stock is all the way gains, triumph, a Accidentally turned a few times, see consumers are stunned. Now all heroes have appeared one after another, on the world market in 2005, we all say: “up ”. In fact, this “rose ” tune is not to rely on that there must be sing together, like the Haydn Trumpet Concerto, solo trumpet and other musical instruments, can play a wonderful melody. Guangzhou property prices “Flop song ” but also to our developers, government, experts and scholars, of course, including consumption