每年的“两会”无疑是人人新闻最集中的地方,也是新闻竞争最激烈的时候。其实,每年“两会”休会期间的350多个平常日子也蕴藏着许多情彩的人大新闻。 从“最基层”写起 1996年底,我和兄弟媒体的记者一起到安徽、浙江和天津等地采访地方人大换届选举。 本来我对人大工作一窍不通,这一下子就扎到了最基层,那些挂满露水、飘荡着泥土香气的投票现场,让我大开眼界、激动不已。每到一个地方都能有新鲜的触动和灵感,特写、消息、通讯、花絮俯拾即是。
The annual “two sessions” are undoubtedly the place where people’s news is most concentrated and the time when the news competition is the most intense. In fact, more than 350 ordinary days held during the recess of the “two sessions” each year also contain many people’s congresses of affection. Writing from the “grassroots level” At the end of 1996, I went to Anhui, Zhejiang, Tianjin and other places to interview the general election of local people’s congresses. Originally, I did not know anything about the work of the NPC and all this time it took me to the grassroots level. The voting sites covered with dew and floating earthly aroma gave me an eye-opener and excitement. Everywhere can have a fresh touch and inspiration, features, news, communication, tidy away.