
来源 :干旱区研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahaulxg
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为了对阿拉尔—和田沙漠公路(阿和公路)机械防沙体系进行有针对性的维护,对阿和公路沿线机械防沙体系布设和风沙危害状况进行了实地调查,利用GIS空间分析功能,分析评价了沿线防沙体系危害状况及其空间分异。结果表明:1防沙体系中不同防沙措施风沙危害程度差异较大。其中,草方格风沙危害较轻,受灾较重和严重的路段总长100 km,占全线的24.8%;而阻沙栅栏危害较重,危害严重的路段总长199 km,占全线的49.3%,主要集中在沙漠公路的中段和偏南段。2公路防沙体系东西两侧风沙危害程度差异较大。在K227~K311路段,东侧危害程度明显大于西侧;而在红白山南北80 km范围内,西侧危害程度明显大于东侧。3在Ⅰ~Ⅴ地貌类型区,防沙体系危害程度值依次是0.67、0.75、0.79、0.80和0.70,Ⅰ区的风沙危害程度较轻,Ⅱ、Ⅴ区的危害程度中等,Ⅲ、Ⅳ区的危害程度较重。防沙体系受灾较轻的路段主要分布在北部和南端,受灾严重的区段主要集中在公路中段和偏南段(K382~K582)。 In order to carry out targeted maintenance on the mechanical sand control system of the Alar-Wada Desert Highway (A & H Highway), field investigation was conducted on the layout of mechanical sand control systems along the A-Hwy and the hazard status of sand blown sand. GIS spatial analysis was used to analyze The hazard status of desertification prevention system and its spatial differentiation were evaluated. The results show that: 1, sand control system in different sand control measures the degree of risk of sandstorms are quite different. Among them, grass checkered sandstorm less harmful, heavier and serious sections of the total length of 100 km, accounting for 24.8% of the entire line; and blocking sand fences more serious, the total length of dangerous sections of 199 km, accounting for 49.3% of the total, mainly Concentrated in the middle of the desert highway and the southern section. 2 road sand control system on both east and west sides of the harm of wind and sand hazards are quite different. On the K227 ~ K311 road section, the hazard on the east side is obviously greater than on the west side; while within 80 km north and south of Hongbai Mountain, the damage on the west side is greater than that on the east side. 3 In the Ⅰ ~ Ⅴ topography type areas, the hazard values ​​of sand control system are 0.67,0.75,0.79,0.80 and 0.70 in turn, and the harm degree of wind and sand in area Ⅰ is lighter, and the damage degree in areas Ⅱ and Ⅴ is moderate, and in areas Ⅲ and Ⅳ Harm degree is heavier. The lightly damaged sections of the sand control system are mainly distributed in the northern and southern end. The severely affected sections are mainly concentrated in the middle section and the south section of the highway (K382 ~ K582).
本文报导全部应用常规工艺制造出45埃热氧化硅和200埃富硅氧化硅的双层栅氧化层MOS场效应晶体管。作者首次描述利用常规光刻技术,用BOE腐蚀液刻蚀双层氧化硅层。 This paper