According to the famous nineteenth-century critical realist writer Thomas. Hardy’s novel The Tess of the Tale, adapted from the Tess of the Tess of the Durs, is a stunning poem by Polish international film director Roman Polanski. The film won the Best Picture, Best Director and Best Picture in the French Film Caesars Awards 1980, and won the Best Picture of the Best Artist in the Academy Award 1980 And Best Costume Design Award. In February 1981 in Los Angeles and New York in the United States premiere, a sensation. Roman Polanski, born in 1913 in Paris. Parents were Jewish, Poles, who died under Nazi occupation during the Second World War. Roman’s childhood was taken away in a Catholic home. When he was fourteen, he came to stage acting quite skillfully. After taking part in the “Polish film school,” one of the founder of Wajda “generation” and other films. The first self-directed film is a fantastically short film “Two Men and One Set.”