例一,你公司某部门近来业绩明显下滑。你查看该部门经营记录,问题的症结在哪里? 例二,优秀的员工突然一蹶不振,一贯热情服务的员工为何变得消极待客? 几十个学员,每三人一组,根据“情景理论”,集体思考讨论上述问题。最后由教师归纳和评判。这就是“情景理论”的创始者保罗·赫塞博士培训企业家的方法。多年来,“情景理论”一直是通用电器、爱立信、摩托罗拉、IBM、微软、通用汽车、苹果电脑等大公司的高级经理人常年必修的课程。赫塞博士说,一个最好的企业领导不应当只是一个命令者,在管理和领导公司
For example, the performance of a department in your company has recently declined significantly. When you look at the business records of the department, where is the crux of the problem? Example 2 The excellent employees suddenly suffer from a lack of success. Why do the employees who have always been enthusiastic about service become passive? Dozens of students, every three people, according to the “scenario theory” Think collectively to discuss the above issues. Finally, they are summarized and judged by the teachers. This is how Dr. Paul Hesse, the founder of “scenario theory”, trained entrepreneurs. For many years, “scenario theory” has been a compulsory course for senior managers of general companies such as General Electric, Ericsson, Motorola, IBM, Microsoft, General Motors, and Apple Computer. Dr. Hessell said that a best corporate leader should not just be an orderer, managing and leading the company