
来源 :新课程(小学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengjuanjuan8288
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新课程把教学过程看成是师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程,学生是学习的主人,在课堂中,如果我们能够注重为学生搭建展示的舞台,我们的课堂就能更多地呈现出一种开放与生成。这样,在实施预设教案的进程中,我们必须提高课堂应变能力,随时捕捉学生的疑问、想法、创见等精彩瞬间,充分利用生成性资源,调整预设的教学目标、教学方案、教学活动。 The new curriculum regards the teaching process as a process of teacher-student interaction, positive interaction and common development. Students are the masters of learning. In the classroom, if we can focus on the stage for students to set up the exhibition, our classroom can show more A kind of open and generated. In this way, in the process of implementing the pre-set lesson plans, we must improve the ability of the classroom to respond to the challenges, thoughts, and creative moments of students, and make full use of generative resources to adjust pre-set teaching objectives, teaching plans and teaching activities.
教育改革是永恒的主题,社会在不断的变革,就必然要求教育也不断变。新一轮的课程培训提出教师要树立新的教育观念,进一步改革课堂教学,全面提高学生的语文素养。在学习《教育教学理论通识》中,我有很多的感触。在此我只对教育的人文观谈点自己的看法。  一、转变观念,让暖暖爱意滋润学生心田  在当今语文教学高扬人文性的旗帜下,我们首要工作便是让孩子在语文课堂幸福成长,最终成为拥有丰富精神世界与创造力量的人。为此