
来源 :现代医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kirk318
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目的:将传统扁桃体切除术进行手术步骤的改良后观察患者术中、术后出血量及术后不良反应与传统手术步骤比较有无差异。方法:将传统的扁桃体切除术进行了一定的改良,加强围手术期抗炎、止血治疗,手术切口尽量选择在扁桃体与腭舌弓交界缘,采用水分离技术,设计电刀弧度,控制电刀功率。结果:在适应证选择良好的前提下,改良后的术式与传统术式比较,术中、术后出血量减少,术后不良反应减轻。结论:改良后的术式较传统术式有较大优势,手术时间缩短,术中、术后出血明显减少;术后疼痛指数低,且疼痛持续时间短;术后愈合快,白膜脱落相对早。 OBJECTIVE: To compare the traditional operation of tonsillectomy with surgical procedures and to observe whether there is any difference in intraoperative and postoperative blood loss and postoperative adverse reactions compared with traditional surgical procedures. Methods: The traditional tonsillectomy was improved to enhance the perioperative anti-inflammatory and hemostatic treatment. The surgical incision was to select the junctional edge between the tonsil and the palatal tongue. The water separation technique was used to design the arc of electric knife and to control the electric knife power. Results: Under the premise of a good selection of indications, compared with the traditional surgical procedures, the improved surgical procedures reduced the intraoperative and postoperative bleeding and postoperative adverse reactions. CONCLUSION: The modified operation has more advantages than the traditional operation. The operation time is shortened, the intraoperative and postoperative bleeding are significantly reduced. The postoperative pain index is low and the duration of pain is short. early.
“退休”,对于一般的男人来讲,总不是件喜闻乐见的事儿,最好避而不谈。好不容易工作了大半辈子,突然有一天被传话:“辛苦你了,以后这里不需要你了。”你说还有比这更不讲理的事吗?  从此,收入一下子少了,多出来的是大把的时间、困惑还有不安。这在所难免,但是,不要把退休看得这么负面、这么悲观吧。既然避免不了,那为何不向前看,以更乐观积极的态度去正视它、迎接它呢?  比起以寂寞、凄凉去定义退休,不如以此为转