
来源 :商用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WatsonWen
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Having analyzed statistics data and pattern of bus and coach export, it is concluded that China’s bus and coach export is still in a primary stage, which need to be supported by the favorable policies and regulations. In terms of the result, achievement is a mainstream, while operation process and management is getting more and more mature. However, there is still a much room for further improvement which will eventually lead to an even greater succeess. There analyzed included data and pattern of bus and coach export, it need to be supported by the favorable policies and regulations. In terms of the result, achievement is score of bus and coach export, it need to be supported by the favorable policies and regulations. However, there is still a much room for further improvement which will eventually lead to an even greater succeess.
An analysis of the overall performance of the bus and coach market in 2006 from different angles, concluding that China’s bus and coach industry developed at a
大轮式拖拉机(简称大轮拖)市场转旺,将成为我国农机市场的新亮点。 1997年以来,市场对60千瓦以上大轮式拖拉机的需求,每年以两位数的速度增长。随着我国农业适度规模经营和
城镇化进程的加快,促进人们生活质量的提高,对供电需求也越来越高.现如今,对于10 kV配电网设计来分析,其设计质量的优劣和自身的运行情况都直接性的影响到整个电力系统的正常
有关专家指出,今年化肥市场供大于求的矛盾将略有好转,但磷肥市场形势将十分严峻。 1999年我国化肥产量达到2900多万吨,同比增长7.4%,其中氮肥同比增长9.8%,磷肥同比下降3.2%。