翻开报纸,常看到有些领导干部送子服法的报道。这些领导干部带头不徇私情,令人肃然起敬。然而笔者又想到:如果这些领导能教子守法,防止子女犯法,岂不更好? 应当看到,多数领导干部是重视对子女的教育的。有些干部子女在祖国建设中还立了功,这是很可喜的现象。但也确有一些领导干部在教育子女方面做得不够,有的领导干部的子女甚至走上犯罪道路,作为家长的领导干部不能不负责任。他们不懂得正
Open the newspaper, often see some leading cadres to send sub-law reports. It is awe-inspiring for these leading cadres to take the lead in ignoring their personal interests. However, I also think: If these leaders can teach people to abide by the law and prevent their children from breaking the law, would it not be better? It should be noted that most leading cadres value the education of their children. Some cadres and children have also made their mark in the motherland’s construction. This is a very welcome sign. However, it is true that some leading cadres have not done enough to educate their children. Some leading cadres even commit crimes and the leading cadres as parents can not but hold themselves accountable. They do not understand well