一 在历史教科书中,我知道马尾不凡。 一百多年前的马尾曾经发生过令人屈辱的“中法马江海战”;中国海军渊薮即在马限山下的中国第一所船政学堂;中国近代史上,“洋务运动”在马尾分娩出的福建船政局与船政学堂,开教育科技之先河,留下了长长一串足以垂范后世的英名:严复、詹天佑、邓世昌、萨镇冰…… 头一回走进仲夏的马尾,犹如走进绿的世界、花
In history textbooks, I know that the tail is extraordinary. The humiliation of “China-France Maujiang naval battle” occurred in the Horsetail a hundred years ago. The Chinese naval abyss was the first China Shipping Administration School under the Maling Mountain. In modern Chinese history, the “Westernization Movement” The Fujian Provincial Bureau of Shipping and the Marine Political Office, the first of its kind in education and science, left a long list of English names that could suffice for future generations: Yan Fu, Zhan Tianyou, Deng Shichang and Sa Zhenbing ... For the first time, Like into the green world, flowers