【摘 要】
According to behavioral finance theory,investor sentiment generally exists in investors\'trading activities and influences financial market.In order to investigate the interaction between investor sentiment and stock market as well as financial industry
【机 构】
College of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;China Post
According to behavioral finance theory,investor sentiment generally exists in investors\'trading activities and influences financial market.In order to investigate the interaction between investor sentiment and stock market as well as financial industry,this study decomposed investor senti-ment,stock price index and SWS index of financial industry into IMF components at different scales by using BEMD algorithm.Moreover,the fluctuation characteristics of time series at different time scales were extracted,and the IMF components were reconstructed into short-term high-frequency compo-nents,medium-term important event low-frequency components and long-term trend components.The short-term interaction between investor sentiment and Shanghai Composite Index,Shenzhen Compo-nent Index and financial industries represented by SWS index was investigated based on the spillover index.The time difference correlation coefficient was employed to determine the medium-term and long-term correlation among variables.Results demonstrate that investor sentiment has a strong cor-relation with Shanghai Composite Index,Shenzhen Component Index and different financial industries represented by SWS index at the original scale,and the change of investor sentiment is mainly influ-enced by external market information.The interaction between most markets at the short-term scale is weaker than that at the original scale.Investor sentiment is more significantly correlated with SWS Bond,SWS Diversified Finance and Shanghai Composite Index at the long-term scale than that at the medium-term scale.
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The article selects the panel data of 289 prefecture-level and above cities in China from 2003 to 2017,establishes simultaneous equations and uses the 3SLS estimation method to study the relationship between air pollution and economic growth.On the whole,
目的 该研究通过临床试验对藏药“其美森斯卡擦”根除和改善“胃幽门螺旋杆菌”感染症状进行疗效观察.方法 以前后对比的方法对60例胃幽门螺旋杆菌患者从药物疗效性和安全性两方面进行测评.结果 “其美森斯卡擦”不但能显著改善胃幽门螺旋杆菌带菌病人的症状及细菌感染定量上改善,而且患者在治疗前后肝肾功能检查无改变,安全性高.结论 与临床实践中以抗生素为主的联合疗法治疗HP感染相比,藏药“其美森斯卡擦”能够为广大患者提供一个既经济又实惠,而且毒副作用小的方式来治疗HP感染,并填补藏药对HP感染的临床研究这一领域空白,值
针对独立光伏储能交直流微网中光伏出力和负荷投切等易造成功率波动问题,利用铅炭电池储能系统实现微电网内部功率波动平抑和直流电压稳定.首先分析铅炭电池寿命模型及其放电特性,提出了一种通过考虑铅炭电池SOC(Stage of Charge)、协调光伏出力和交直流负荷的功率控制策略.具体根据光伏出力和负荷匹配关系,将储能系统的运行分为四种模式,通过切换控制实时调节储能系统输出功率,使微网各部件的工作状态达到动态平衡.最后,在MATLAB/Simulink中搭建光伏储能交直流微网仿真模型.仿真运行结果表明,所提控制
以淮河中上游段为研究区域,基于矢量河道数据和ArcGIS 10.2平台,对淮河两侧主要一级支流的走向特征进行了计算和分析.结果表明,淮河中上游段北侧支流的走向为南东向109°~133°,平均走向为120°;而淮河南侧支流的走向为北东向8°~50°,平均走向为28°.淮河北侧和南侧支流走向与淮河干流的夹角分别为59°、42°.通过与区域地形的对比发现,淮河两侧支流的走向与地形特征基本吻合,为较典型的顺向河.然而,淮河南侧的史河和东淝河与其他支流的走向趋势偏离较大,可能是由局地断裂活动的控制所导致的.
以河南大别山野生白头翁(Pulsatilla chinensis)为材料,选用幼叶叶片、中叶叶片、中叶叶柄等3种外植体分别与75%乙醇+2%次氯酸钠、20%过氧化氢+2%次氯酸钠进行两组正交试验,比较各因子对消毒效果的影响,以找出启动培养的最佳外植体与消毒的最佳组合.结果表明:外植体类型是影响消毒效果的最关键因素;刚由嫩绿转为绿色的中叶叶片为最佳外植体,污染率最低(7.4%),出愈率最高(88.9%),且出愈快;幼叶叶片消毒时易受伤褐变,出愈率小于中叶叶片但高于中叶叶柄;中叶叶柄污染率最高(41.7%),
DEA(data envelopment analysis)models can be divided into two groups:Radial DEA and non-radial DEA,and the latter has higher discriminatory power than the former.The range adjusted measure(RAM)is an effective and widely used non-radial DEA approach.However