目的分析分枝杆菌病原菌感染的流行现状、特征及趋势,为今后防治措施的制定提供科学依据。方法对2010-2012年邯郸县可疑肺结核患者进行痰涂片检查并进行统计学分析。结果共检测3 527例可疑肺结核病例的痰标本,其中菌阳病例635例,阳性率为18.00%,但阳性率有逐年下降趋势,且一年四季之中无多大差异;农村地区高于城镇地区。结论结核病防控工作取得阶段性成果,但疫情仍然严峻,结核病控制任务仍然艰巨。
Objective To analyze the prevalence, characteristics and trends of mycobacterial pathogen infection and provide a scientific basis for the future prevention and treatment measures. Methods From 2010 to 2012, suspected sputum samples from Handan County were sputum smear and analyzed statistically. Results A total of 3 527 cases of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis were detected in sputum samples. Among them, 635 cases were positive for bacteria, the positive rate was 18.00%. However, the positive rate decreased year by year with no significant difference among the four seasons. The rural areas were higher than those in urban areas . Conclusion TB prevention and control work has achieved phased results, but the epidemic is still severe and TB control tasks are still arduous.