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唐代有些诗人总体成就并不是很突出,留下的作品数量也少,却有一二篇杰作传诵千古,像张若虚有《春江花月夜》,王翰有《凉州词》,张继有《枫桥夜泊》,等等。王湾也属于这种情况。他总共留下十首诗,唯有《次北固山下》特别著名。唐人殷瑶编《河岳英灵集》,评“海日生残夜,江春入旧年”一联为“诗人已(以)来,少有此句”;又记唐玄宗开元前期的名宰相张说曾将此联“手题政事堂.每示能文,令为楷式”。张说是一位对盛唐诗风的形成起过重大影响的人物,他拿这两句诗给“能文”者做榜样,不仅是因为欣赏诗句本身,还因为它代表了其心目中的某种诗学理想。而明代胡应麟在其诗歌评论名著《诗薮》中,也将此诗列为代表了从初唐诗到盛唐诗之转变的“绝作”之一。盛唐诗风的主要特征是一个专门的问题,非三言两语所能尽,但通过解析这首在诗史上具有坐标意义的作品,仍可以得到一些重要的认识。此诗又有一点特别之处:它早在唐人所编的诗选中就有两种不同的文本。收在芮挺章编选的《国秀集》中的题为《次北固山下》,收在殷璠编选的《河岳英灵集》中的题为《江南意》,两者有较多的异文。这种显著的差异不可能是传抄中产生的错误,而只能理解为作者本人对诗作过重大修改。从艺术效果来看,《次北固山下》优于《江南意》,对两者加以比较也是很有意思的事情。 Some poets in the Tang Dynasty overall achievement is not very prominent, leaving a small number of works, there are twelve masterpieces to be recalled through the ages, such as Zhang Ruoxu have “Spring Night”, Wang Han, “Liangzhou Ci”, Zhang Jiyou “ Maple Bridge at night ”, and so on. Wang Bay also belongs to this situation. He left a total of ten poems, only “sub-Beigu Hill” is particularly famous. Tang Yin Yin compiled “Collection of rivers and mountains of the spirit,” Comment on “Hai Ri Sheng residual night, Spring into the old year,” a “poet has (to), rare sentence”; Zhang said that this joint “handbook of political affairs. Zhang was a figure who had a significant influence on the formation of the poetic style in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. He took these two verses as examples for the ”verse“ not only because of the poem itself, but also because it represents a Kind of poetic ideal. In Ming Dynasty, Hu Yinglin also listed this poem as one of the ”Absolute Works“ of the transformation from the early Tang poetry to the prosperous Tang poetry. The main characteristic of prosperous Tang poetry style is a special problem that can be done in a few words and no words. However, some important understanding can still be obtained by analyzing this piece of work that has coordinate meaning in the history of poetry. This poem is a bit special: it has two different texts dating back to the Tang anthology. The book titled ”Jiangnanyi“ in ”Guoxiuji“ compiled by Rao Tingzhang entitled ”Sub-Beigu Hill“ and collected in ”Yinguangji Collection“ by Yin Xuan has more variations . Such a significant difference can not be a mistake in making a copy, but can only be understood as a major revision of the poem by the author himself. From the artistic effect point of view, ”sub-Beigu hill“ superior to ”southern meaning", to compare the two is also very interesting thing.
哲学思考固然费脑子,但是也可以使法国人对人生采取超然的态度,在快节奏的现代都市生活中保持平和的心境。  6月19日,学者许纪霖发表微博称:“据我在法国留学的博士生透露,今天是法国‘高考’(BAC)的第一天,考试内容为‘哲学’,总共4个小时,就一特定题目撰写论文,见图片。我现在才知道,为什么法国有这么多的哲学家,而中国只能盛产应试者了。”  此条微博引发网友热议,认为法国的“高考”题虽然颇有难度,但
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