One Wedding, Many Cultures

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiguangli010
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My friend Liz was getting married.To Dima,another friend.I got the news from the couple in person one day when they came for dinner at my apartment in east Beijing.Dima lives in Tianjin,a short train-ride from the capital.Liz,a Torontite,had flown over for a new-year visit They’d been doing long distance for a year. I heard all about the proposal.Dima had dragged Liz from a bar mere minutes before the 2012 New Year countdown got underway,promising to show her his ’magic trick’ He barreled her up My friend Liz was getting married.To Dima, another friend. I got the news from the couple in person one day when they came for dinner at my apartment in east Beijing. Dima lives in Tianjin, a short train-ride from the capital. Liz, a Torontite, had flown over for a new-year visit They’d been doing long distance for a year. I heard all about the proposal. Dima had dragged Liz from a bar mere minutes before the 2012 New Year countdown got underway, promising to show her his ’magic trick’ He barreled her up
【摘要】高校职业指导在推动大学生就业中起着举足轻重的作用。本文通过分析目前高校职业指导工作存在的问题及原因,在此基础上提出推动高校职业指导开展的相关建议。从而为有效做好高校职业指导工作,促进大学生就业、就业稳定和职业生涯发展打下良好基础。  【关键词】高校;职业指导;开展;推动     职业指导是为求职者就业、就业稳定、职业发展和用人单位合理用人,提供咨询、指导及帮助的过程。①职业指导包括学校职业
Homosexuality has a long history in human civilization, and the population of gay people in China is not negligible. On January 30, a special wedding in Beijing provoked a firestorm of debate on the l
创建于1956年,改制于2000年,快速发展于近几年——江苏联宏纺织有限公司用自己的亲身实践,向人们展示了一个纺织中型企业的转型调整之路。这条路走得并不轻松,其中的艰辛、迷茫、无助和喜悦,公司董事长查小刚感触最深。  “以技术改造为基础,创新研发为先导,品牌创建为重点,提高效益为目标,提升营销能力,实现‘大贸易、小生产’,这是联宏近几年坚持做的事情。正因为有了这种坚持,才有了企业今天的局面。”查小