My impressions from visiting Washington,D.C.Jacob Morgan

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  Over the past 6 months or so I had the chance to visit Washington, D.C. twice.I really haven’t spent much time on the east coast of the USA at all. Sure, I’ve spent a few days in New York, but that was hardly enough for me to get to experience the city. After visiting D.C. twice, for a week each time, I feel like I can say I’ve been to and experienced D.C. I have a few things to say about Washington, D.C.
  The city system in Washington, D.C. is great and if you don’t mind doing a little bit of walking you can usually get to many places by subway. Of course, you also have the choice of taking a cab.I know several people living in D.C. and none of them own a car.
  There is a good deal of entertainment in D.C. I like the fact that all the museums are free to go to. There are certainly plenty of them to visit!If you’re looking to go to a bar or a club, D.C. also has its fair share of those as well. The only unhappy experience I had there is that the bars seem to close around 1:00-2:00 AM. This is a bit earlier than most bars/clubs that I’m used to going to. On my last trip to D.C, a friend of mine found a jazz club with great quality music that allows you to bring in your own alcohol.There’s a cover charge, but for the quality of music you are getting (if you like jazz) it’s well worth it.I also had the chance to eat at some pretty good restaurants in D.C, but remember, I’m a bit spoiled by the restaurants in San Francisco as there is a place to eat on every corner there.
  The landscape of D.C. is rather flat which is either a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you ask. San Francisco is full of hills so it was quite a change for me to not see any. You also won’t find any really tall buildings in D.C (no building can be taller than the Washington Monument) so you don’t get the feeling of being in a big city. The good thing, though, is that there are some great monuments and things to see outdoors such as the White House, Reflecting Pool, and the Lincoln Memorial.
  The weather was chilly both times I visited D.C. During my most recent visit, the temperature got to below 30°F and there was snow on the ground. Not that bad, but again quite a change from San Francisco weather which usually stays around the 60°F range.I haven’t been to D.C. during the summer but I hear it’s very unpleasant because of the heat and high level of humidity. Imagine going into a sauna in a suit and that’s probably what it feels like during the summer.
  The people in D.C. are pretty friendly and I’ve made a few random friends with folks during my visits. Most of the people in D.C. have a government job so you’re sure to see a lot of suits walking around.
  Overall I enjoyed my time in D.C. I wouldn’t live there but it’s a great place to visit a few times a year, especially since it’s so close to cities such as New York.
  entertainment n. 休闲娱乐
  landscape n. 风景
  humidity n. (空气中的)湿度
  sauna n. 蒸气浴
  random adj.随意的
爸妈又要搬家了,我已记不清这是第几次了。  从18年前爸妈进城卖菜起,我们就一直走在租房——搬家的路上。我又一次感到自己的卑微与渺小:爸妈一辈子为我们倾其所有,老来仍要东搬西挪。我却只能眼睁睁地看着他们年近六旬,仍居无定所。  房东通知提前停止租房合同的那几天,天下着雨,想着爸整天出去看街头广告,我心里十分内疚。可每晚忧心忡忡地打电话给爸妈,我却总能听见他们爽朗的笑声。  他们搬家时,我却没回去。
为了与心仪的他有个浪漫约会,你肯定想要以最美丽的形象出现在他面前。可是,黑眼圈、痘印、雀斑……总是前来捣乱,我们该怎么办呢?没关系,且看巧手来遮瑕,美丽容颜重焕发!    祛除眼袋、黑眼圈    黑眼圈绝对会让一个女人显得颓废、衰老、不够精致,是美丽的最大敌人。但记住除非你一直处于聚光灯下,或者你每天都背着两盏灯上街,否则千万不要用白色粉底遮盖黑眼圈,那根本遮不住。  遮瑕大法  1.选对遮瑕品。
第一天:乘飞机到温州,再转乘汽车进入雁荡山。晚餐后可观看夜景:夫妻峰、雄鹰敛翅、犀牛望月、双乳峰等。  第二天:游灵峰景区——台掌峰、观音峰、果合桥、灵峰古洞等;灵岩景区——老僧拜塔、260米高空飞渡表演、小龙湫等;大龙湫景区——啄木鸟峰、大龙湫瀑布、剪刀峰、一帆峰等;三折瀑(中折瀑)等。  第三天:游览温州市容,市区购物。  雁荡山位于浙江省乐清市境内,素有“海上名山”“东南第一山”之称,背依峰
上传个人视频,观看其他“播客”的视频节目,与网友分享交流……对于“播客”来说,每个人都是自己王国的“国王”,可以选择做导演,也可以做演员,更可以做观众。在这个“王国”里,每个人都能得到意想不到的收获。    过了一把“歌星”瘾  陈锦绣(文员,27岁)    把自己的歌声录制下来上传到网上,在提高演唱技巧的同时,也请朋友们与自己一同分享。陈锦绣自从涉足“播客”生活,就乐此不疲。  在外企工作的她平
你有没有发现,这几年,在饮食方面“高纤维”成了一个非常流行的词,经常被醒目地印刷在面包外包装上。说起“高纤维”食品,很容易让人联想到减肥。以前纤维一直被看作是食物中并不重要的成分,在食品加工中轻易被抛弃,如今却是深得瘦身美眉们的宠爱。  比如我,在某美容人士的指导下,就把在食品中添加麦麸作为减肥计划的一部分。麦麸是什么呢?麦麸即麦皮,是小麦磨取面粉后筛下的种皮。它富含纤维素,会在胃肠内限制部分糖和
编者按:作者沙拉是出生在上海的犹太人后裔,她放弃了在上海的优越生活,带着2子1女回到以色列。在以色列的所見所闻,让沙拉毅然放弃做“中国式妈妈”,并最终使孩子成才。在她看来,“母亲”不仅是名词,更是动词。母亲如果不狠心,就不能算是真正的疼爱。    初到以色列的日子,42岁的我苦攻语言关。不到半年,我就掌握了希伯来语的主要习惯用语。那时,我最大的梦想就是努力赚钱,让3个孩子快快乐乐地长大。  我们每
面对家庭冷暴力我该怎么办?    艾佳:  我和丈夫是大学里的同学,已经结婚17年了,有一个15岁的女儿,各自的工作都算小有成就。  我们的感情一直不错,直到一年前,丈夫在外面有了情人。女人到了40岁这个年龄,对婚姻的要求随着自己皱纹的上升而下降。丈夫在外面的事,我早已心知肚明,但我并没有和他争吵,只能藏起尊严,委屈求全。  对方是他的下属,一个年轻漂亮的大学生,我在他单位见过,那女孩有点素质。丈
居家过日子,通常老人们是省钱的高手:吃,粗茶淡饭、剩菜剩饭;穿,新三年旧三年、缝缝补补又三年。现在一批结婚后的男女却成了“吝啬鬼”,他们物质生活优越,虽然上有老下有小,但逆“多挣多花”的消费潮流,根据各自实际,兴起一种节约新时尚,过起了惬意的“抠门”生活。他们崇尚节俭、简单的生活理念,并没有感到“抠门”是丢人的事情,他们也告诉孩子最简单的道理——“节约光荣、浪费可耻”。    有限的钱也是能饱的口
程乃珊作家,主要作品有《蓝屋》《穷街》《女儿经》《金融家》等。2000年开始涉足与老上海有关的纪实文体,代表作有《上海探戈》《上海罗曼史》《上海女人》等。    不知何时立下的不成文规则:小男人和大女人,始终成恋爱场上最缺乏战斗力的。  或许在原始洞穴狩猎时代,大男人和大女人因强壮威猛都是十分受欢迎的。渐渐地,我们的祖先走出洞穴,开始追求更为精致文明的生活。人类对“大”和“小”的概念认定,开始从单
亲爱的樱妹:  见信如晤。你寄来的照片我都收到了,真看不出来你化妆后那么漂亮,跟以前大不一样了。记得以前你特别不喜欢化妆,可是现在这些“红粉妆”和“水果妆”让你看起来性感十足。下周就是情人节了,你是不是要给妹夫一个出人意料的妆扮?最近我学会了一种叫“蓝妆”的化妆技法,觉得特别适合你这种皮肤白皙的单眼皮美女,所以我把方法写给你。你要记住下次把照片寄给我,让我看看你这位会化妆的美女有多么与众不同!