采用锌铁尖晶石材料作为铝电解惰性阳极,考察了这种阳极在rn rnrn熔盐中的腐蚀rn行为,阳极电流密度为0~2.5A/cm2.实验结果表明,锌铁尖晶石材料在阳极极化条件下的NaF-AlF3-Al2O3熔盐中具有很好的耐腐蚀性能.在低电流密度下,阳极材料的腐蚀速度随电流密度的增大而增大,最高的腐蚀速度出现于0.5~0.75A/cm2.此后,腐蚀速度随电流密度的增大而降低.实验证明,高阳极电流密度(>1.5A/cm2)、熔盐电解质中保持高Al2O3含量和低NaF/AlF3摩尔比,对降低阳极材料的腐蚀速度有利,这也将是惰性阳极应用的重要条件.“,”Zinc ferrite was used as inert anode materials for aluminum electrolysis. The corrosion behaviorof zinc fetrite as investigated under the anodic current density of 0-2.5A/cm2. Experinental results provethat zinc ferite materials is very corrosion resistant to molten NaF-AlF3-Al2O3 under the condition ofanodic polarization. The biggest corrosion rate appears in the range of 0.5 ~0.75A/cn2. The corrosionrate will get down after that peak value. High anodic current density (> 1.5 A/cm2 ), high aluminaconcentration and low mole ratio of NaF/AlF3 in the molten salts would be the most important conditionsfor using inert anode.