Keep Interest,Keep Successful!

来源 :英语广场(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neoin123
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While learning English as a foreign language, we could hardly find ideal surroundings. We only touch it in English classes within 45 minutes a day. But how can we improve our English and how to instruct students to learn English? Some authoritative people said “Keeping practice is the basic and best way.” But what would make the students keep agreeable and practise day after day? I think interest is the best way because of its nature from people’s bottom of hearts. The one who has an interest in doing something, will bring twice of what we expect under proper guidance. While learning English as a foreign language, we could hardly find ideal surroundings. We only touch it in English classes within 45 minutes a day. But how can we improve our English and how to instruct students to learn English? Some authoritative people said Keeping practice is the basic and best way. "But what would make the students keep agreeable and practise day after day? I think interest is the best way because of its nature from people’s bottom of hearts. The one who has an interest in doing something, will bring twice of what we expect under proper guidance.
以往针对外语专业的改革研究多限于教学层面 ,如课程设置、教学内容、教学方法、测试等。本文从社会对外语人才的多层次多元化需求出发 ,反思外语专业教育存在的问题 ,分析教
<正> 一九七八年以来,在我国教育理论界展开了一场关于教育本质的讨论。这场讨论比较集中地从分析教育与生产力、生产关系的关系以及教育与经济、政治的关系入手,探讨了教育