
来源 :新课程(中学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuji2009
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自新课改以来,初中物理教学要求培养学生对事物的思维能力,还有对问题的解决能力,所以,这就对初中的物理教学提出了更高的要求,在初中物理的教学中,因为,初中生的年纪比较小,对于物理这门比较抽象的课程来说学习比较困难,所以,在教学的过程中要采取各种教学方式,努力提高学生的物理学习水平。 Since the new curriculum reform, junior high school physics teaching requires students to develop thinking ability of things, as well as the ability to solve the problem, therefore, this puts forward higher requirements for physics teaching in junior high school. In middle school physics teaching, because The junior high school students are relatively young, and learning is more difficult for the more abstract course of physics. Therefore, in the process of teaching, we should adopt various teaching methods to improve students’ level of physical learning.