今年是中韩建交21周年。4月14日到4月18日,应韩国“韩中文化体育交流协会”的邀请,由中国古汉文字艺术研究学者、金文专家葛永瑞先生任团长的中国大陆独立学者学术交流团,赴韩国进行书法展览及文化交流。4月1 5日上午,葛永瑞书法交流展在韩国首尔市阳川区隆重开幕。首尔特别市议会教育委员会李正赞议员、首尔市议会金太年议员、首尔阳川区文化院李卿东院长、韩中文化体育交流协会郑铉国总裁、韩中文化体育交流协会金成平会长、韩中文化体育交流协会朴南镐团长以及阳川区各界代表等数百人出席展览开幕式。韩国著名歌手以及中国著名的“变脸”演员刘旋现场助兴,
This year marks the 21st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea. From April 14 to April 18, at the invitation of South Korea and “Korea-China Culture and Sports Exchange Association,” an academic exchange delegation of independent scholars from mainland China, headed by Mr. Ge Yongrui, a Chinese ancient Han literary arts researcher and gold expert, , Went to Korea for calligraphy exhibitions and cultural exchanges. On the morning of April 15, Ge Yongrui calligraphy exchange exhibition was grandly opened in Yangchuan District, Seoul, Korea. Seoul Metropolitan Assembly Board of Education Lee Jung-chan, Seoul Metropolitan Assembly Chairman Kim Tae-nam, Seoul Yangcheon Cultural Institute Li Qingdong Dean, Korea-China Culture and Sports Association Zheng Xuanguo President, South Korea Culture and Sports Association Kim Sung-ping, Hundreds of delegates including Pak Nam Ho, head of the Cultural and Sports Exchange Association and representatives of various circles in Yangcheon District attended the opening ceremony. Famous Korean singer and famous Chinese “change face” actor Liu spin live,