Exploration of Water Resource and Multiple Model for Water Resource Development in Karst Areas with

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytcxw
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According to the theory of preferred plane, preferred planes (faults) always control the distribution of bedrock fissure water and hold abundant groundwater. Thus, the exploration of fissure or karst water can be converted into searching for the watery preferred plane (WPP). In the paper, the characteristic of watery preferred planes is analyzed and a series of superior indices has been set up. It is introduced that WPPs are determined by the methods of geological analysis, superior index and complex geophysical analysis. Meanwhile, new multiple model for water resource development in the water-scarce areas of karst mountainous regions are advanced. According to the theory of preferred plane, preferably planes (faults) always control the distribution of bedrock fissure water and hold abundant groundwater. Thus, the exploration of fissure or karst water can be converted into searching for the watery preferred plane (WPP). In the paper, the characteristic of watery preferred planes is analyzed and a series of superior indices has been set up. It is introduced that WPPs are determined by the methods of geological analysis, superior index and complex geophysical analysis. Meanwhile, new multiple model for water resource development in the water-scarce areas of karst mountainous regions are advanced.
广东省堤坝白蚁防治中心站研制出一种D B型灭蚁诱饵,该诱饵由慢性胃神经中毒的灭蚁灵原粉,配以白蚁最喜食和最有引诱力的饵料制成。它充分利用了白蚁群体中工蚁对其它白蚁品
经 过几年的市场洗礼 ,少数媒体在片面追逐经济利益中走上歧途 ,为了吸引受众眼球 ,抢夺市场份额 ,不惜降低格调 ,以“性、星、腥”等庸俗化内容迎合少数受众的低级趣味 ,大
摘 要:高等职业院校作为培养高技术技能人才的主战场,针对高职会计专业教学改革开展深入研究是十分必要的。本文基于目前会计人才需求的充分调研,就高职会计专业分方向培养提出了建设性的意见和建议,具有一定创新性。  关键词:会计专业细分;分方向培养;教学改革  湖南省开设会计类专业的高职院校虽多达50多所,在校生规模达3万多人,其中70%以上学生毕业后直接服务于省内外各行各业,却没有专门培养会计信息技术、