“小伙子,辛苦了,快来喝口绿豆汤解解渴!”在北坦大街87号院,一位年过6旬的大娘双手捧着煮好的绿豆汤送给小区里正在清理卫生的创卫突击队员。201 4年是创卫的关键之年,济南市自上而下成立的创卫公益组织不计其数,北坦街道办事处的“创卫突击队”便是其中的一支队伍。了解济南的人都知道,北坦片区是济南市居住人口最为密集的地区,部分居民楼时间较长。为了提升社区整体的环境卫生水平,街道办从各社区抽调力量,与社区志愿者、武警官兵及其他驻地单位的成员一起,组织
“Lad, worked hard, come drink mouth mung bean soup solution thirst!” In the North Tainan 87 hospital, a woman over 6 years holding a cup of green bean soup cooked to the area is being cleaned Chong Wei commando team. 201 4 years is the key to the creation of health year, Jinan City, top-down from the establishment of many health non-profit organizations, Beitan street offices “Chong Wei commando ” is one of the teams. People who know Jinan know that Beitan area is the most populated area in Jinan City, and some residence buildings take a long time. In order to enhance the overall sanitation level of the community, the neighborhood office mobilized forces from various communities to organize with community volunteers, members of armed police officers and other resident units