春节期间,每个家庭都想在室内摆上几盆盛开的时令花卉,增添些喜庆气氛。但时值严冬,普通盆花能开花的很少,虽有色艳形美的温室花卉,但价格又太昂贵。笔者设想,能否利用家养普通盆花进行加温催花,促其提前至春节开花呢?经过多年实践摸索,我的设想变成了现实,年年春节都有鲜花盛开,节日的居室亮丽多了。加温催花要选准品种。 1.选开花时花多包艳,以暖色花为主的,如大红、桃红、粉红等,也可一株多色,更增加节日喜庆气氛。尽量少用或不用冷色花,如白色、蓝色等、但个别观赏价值高的珍稀品种,如绿萼梅,虽花色淡雅,但耐人寻味,亦可选定。 2.选在自然环境下,花期2~4月的。花期太
During the Spring Festival, every family would like to add some festive atmosphere in the indoor seasonal flower pots. However, when the winter is cold, ordinary potted flowers can bloom rarely, although the color Yan Mei beautiful greenhouse flowers, but the price is too expensive. I imagine, can we make use of ordinary potted flowers to promote reminder flower, and promote its flowering in advance to the Spring Festival? After years of practice, groping, my idea has become a reality, the annual Spring Festival have flowers in full bloom, festive room more bright . Warming flowers to select the standard varieties. 1. When the flowers blooming more flowers, mainly warm flowers, such as red, pink, pink, but also a multicolor, but also increase the festive atmosphere. Try to use less or not cool flowers, such as white, blue, etc., but individual high value rare ornamental species, such as green calyx plum, although elegant color, but thought-provoking, may also be selected. 2 selected in the natural environment, flowering from April to April. Flowering too