当代诗人叶夫图申科曾把普希金比做俄罗 斯诗歌的“太阳”,而把阿赫玛托娃(1889—1966)比做俄罗斯诗歌的“月亮”,这的确不算是对阿赫玛托娃的过高赞誉。这位生长在十月革命前后的俄国女诗人在充斥着战乱、饥馑和纷争的年代,确曾为漫长而寒冷的俄罗斯的冬夜增添过一缕缕清纯洁白的月光。 1.春天到来之前(第一首) 群鸟总是在春天鸣唱,而在春天到来之前,在荒凉的冬夜,漫无边际的俄罗斯冻土之上,温暖的歌唱听起来“仿佛是新的”:
The contemporary poet Evratshenko compared Pushkin with the “sun” of Russian poetry, and the comparison of Akhmatova (1889-1966) with the “moon” of Russian poetry was not really a question of Akhmatova The high praise. The Russian poet, who grew up around the October Revolution, did add a ray of pure white moonlight to the long, cold winter nights of Russia, in a time of war, famine and strife. 1. The spring before the arrival of the birds (first song) The birds always sing in the spring, but before the spring comes, on a desolate winter night, over the inflated Russian frozen soil, warm singing sounds “as if new” :