渠江位于四川中部,是连贯达县、南充和重庆两地一市十七个县、市、区的重要水道。但至今尚未综合开发利用,一任江水空流。 最近,中国科协委托中国航海学会,与四川省政府联合组织国家和地方交通、水电、农林牧渔、科技等有关部门的专家和负责人90多人,对渠江流域进行了综合考察。记者随队而行,耳闻目睹,感慨万千;巍巍大巴山,悠悠渠江水,是该综合开发的时候了!
Qujiang River is located in the central part of Sichuan Province and is an important waterway connecting 17 counties, cities and districts in two cities of one county, Nanchong and Chongqing. However, it has not yet been comprehensively developed and utilized. Recently, China Association for Science and Technology commissioned China Navigation Association and the Sichuan Provincial Government to jointly organize more than 90 experts and officials in charge of transportation, hydropower, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, science and technology, and other relevant departments of the country and local governments to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the drainage area of the Qujiang River. The reporter goes with the team, seeing and hearing, with emotion; towering Dabashan, Yu Long Canal, is the comprehensive development of the time!