Influence of hydrogen content on the behavior of grain reflnement in hypereutectic aluminum-silicon

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericc0123
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Dissolved hydrogen is harmful to mechanical properties of refined hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloys. In the present work, by using a stepped-form mold and the hydrogen-detecting instrument HYSCANⅡ, the relationship between the initial hydrogen content in the melt and the refinement effect on the casting of hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloy was investigated. The experimental results show that the cooling rate, the hydrogen content and the grain refinement effect are three interactive factors. When the hydrogen content is above 0.20 mL/100 g and the cooling rate is lower than that in 50 mm-thick step, hydrogen dissolved in the alloy melt influences the grain refinement effect. With increasing the cooling rate, the critical hydrogen content increases too. It is expected that much hydrogen in the melt make the net interfacial energy larger than or equal to zero, resulting in the shielding of the particles A1P during solidification and that the critical gas content is closely related to the critical Dissolved hydrogen is harmful to mechanical properties of refined hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloys. In the present work, by using a stepped-form mold and the hydrogen-detecting instrument HYSCAN II, the relationship between the initial hydrogen content in the melt and the refinement effect on the casting of hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloy was investigated. The experimental results show that the cooling rate, the hydrogen content and the grain refinement effect are three interactive factors. When the hydrogen content is above 0.20 mL / 100 g and the cooling rate is lower than that in 50 mm-thick step, hydrogen dissolved in the alloy melt influences the grain refinement effect. With increasing the cooling rate, the critical hydrogen content increases too. It is expected that much hydrogen in the melt make the net interfacial energy larger than or equal to zero, resulting in the shielding of the particles A1P during solidification and that the critical gas content is closely relat ed to the critical
摘 要 本文指出努力实现投资人的意愿是公司设立的最基本需求,独立财产、独立意思和独立责任是公司法律人格的本质要素,公司设立合法性问题应满足系列实体要件和程序要件,对合法性问题的探讨有助于进一步规范公司设立,完善我国公司设立瑕疵制度。  关键词 公司设立 人格要素 合法性 实体要件 程序要件  基金项目:本项目受重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学研究项目支助(项目编号:12SKR16)。  作者简介:李玲