控制预裂爆破技术作为区域防突措施的补充,能快速有效地消除煤巷掘进工作面的局部突出危险性,为了合理布置控制预裂爆破技术中的控制孔和爆破孔,通过理论计算和现场测试两种方法,得出控制预裂爆破单孔的有效影响半径为2.5 m,以此为设计依据对控制预裂爆破钻孔进行了科学合理的布置,并对布孔方式进行了效果检验。结果表明,这种方法能够快速有效地消除掘进工作面前方的突出危险性,提高煤巷掘进的速度,缓解矿井采掘接替紧张的局面。
As a complement to the regional outburst prevention measures, the control of presplitting blasting technology can quickly and effectively eliminate the local prominent danger of coal heading face. In order to rationally arrange the control holes and blast holes in the control of presplitting blasting technology, The results show that the effective radius of influence of the pre-splitting blasting single hole is 2.5 m. Based on this, a scientific and reasonable layout of the controlled presplitting blasting drilling is carried out, and the effect of the bored mode is verified. The results show that this method can quickly and effectively eliminate the prominent danger in front of heading face, improve the speed of coal tunneling and alleviate the tension of mine excavation.