2004年,中国石油冀东销售分公司捧得两金、一银、一铜奖杯,这在公司的发展史上写下了浓重的一笔。然而,伴着新年的钟声,他们顾不上品尝胜利的果实便又投身到新的创业目标行动中——大干一季度,向销售淡季发起冲刺,吹响了全年销售工作的强劲号角。于是,工作在各条战线上的中油冀东人便以迅捷的行动和感人的事迹,演绎了春天的奋斗故事。有心人,天不负。一月份冀东销售分公司累计实现销售量9 万余吨,实现总体盈利,为全面完成一季度销售任务打下坚实基
In 2004, PetroChina Jidong Sales Branch won two gold, one silver, one copper trophy, which wrote a strong sum in the history of the company’s development. However, with the New Year’s bells, they do not pay attention to the fruits of victory will once again join the new entrepreneurial goal of action - in the first quarter, launched a spurt to the sales season, sounded the strong sales horn throughout the year . As a result, the PetroChina Jidong people working on all fronts demonstrated the story of the struggle in the spring with swift action and moving stories. Heart, days do not take. January Jidong sales branch total sales of more than 90,000 tons, to achieve overall profitability, in order to fully complete the first quarter sales mission to lay a solid foundation