Iris Murdoch. A Severed Head.New York.The Viking Press,1961. 《一颗砍掉的头》,爱丽丝·默多克著,纽约海盗出版社出版,1961年。爱丽丝·默多克是一位不容忽视的当代英国女作家。西方评论家哈洛德·布鲁姆曾经这样评论过她:“默多克的小说创作宣告了以塞缪尔·贝克特为代表的后乔伊斯时代和以托马斯·品钦为代表的后福克纳时代的结束……”默多克共著有二十一本小说,大都以描写西方社会道德沦丧的现象为主。《一颗砍掉的头》是她的代表作之一。
Iris Murdoch. A Severed Head. New York. The Viking Press, 1961. “A Cut-Off Head,” by Alice Murdoch, New York Pirate Press, 1961. Alice Murdoch is a contemporary British woman writer who can not be ignored. Harold Bloom, a Western critic, once commented on her: “Murdoch’s novel creation proclaims the post-Joyce era represented by Samuel Beckett and the post-Thomas The end of Faulkner’s era ... ”Murdoch has a total of twenty-one novels, most of them describe the phenomenon of moral loss in Western society based. “A cut head” is one of her masterpieces.