搞好科学管理,处理好水产养殖的各个生产环节,是提高池塘生产力的保证,生产实践中我们做到以下几点:1 合理投饵施肥 根据草、鲢、鳙、鲤、鲫等鱼的特点,结合各季节不同的气候条件。将全年饵、肥需要量做到合理的安排:3—5月份气温比较低,(一般为12—22℃),此时鱼的个体小摄食量少,生长缓慢,应集中投施有机肥(如猪粪,大草等),应占全年有机肥料总量的40—45%,配合饲料占全年配合饲料总量的15—20%,草料占全年投草总量的5—10%,同时蓄水到1.5米左右,促使池水增温和浮游植物的繁殖。此时的水温是鲢、鳙鱼适口性的饵料生物大量繁殖的季节。
Do a good job in scientific management, and properly handle all aspects of aquaculture production is to improve the productivity of the pond to ensure that production practices we do the following: A reasonable feeding and fertilization According to grass, silver carp, bighead carp, carp and other fish characteristics , Combined with the different seasons of the climatic conditions. Will the annual bait, fertilizer needs to be reasonable arrangements: March-May temperature is relatively low (usually 12-22 ℃), this time the small individual fish food intake, slow growth, should focus on the implementation of organic fertilizer (Such as pig manure, big grass, etc.), accounting for 40-45% of the total organic fertilizer throughout the year, with feed accounted for 15-20% of the total annual feed, forage accounted for 5-10 %, While water storage to about 1.5 meters, prompting the pond water warming and phytoplankton breeding. At this point the water temperature is silver carp, mandarin fish palatability of the biological breeding season.