
来源 :高中数学教与学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leeyongfan
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《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》对高中学生提出了学习常用逻辑用语的要求,并指出:无论是进行思考、交流,还是从事各项工作,都需要正确运用逻辑用语表达自己的思维.教学中我们发现,高中生在数学学习中由于逻辑错误,导致不能正确地把握问题实质和有效地解决问题.下面举例说明中学生常见的逻辑错误.一、中学生常见的逻辑错误及错因分析1.忽视命题的等价性 “Ordinary high school mathematics curriculum standard (experiment)” put forward the requirements of high school students to learn common logical language and pointed out: Whether it is to think, communicate, or do all kinds of work, we must correctly use logical expressions to express their own thinking. We found that high school students in mathematics learning due to logical errors, resulting in the problem can not correctly grasp the problem of substance and effectively solve the following examples of secondary school students common logic errors. Equivalence of propositions
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