
来源 :涉外税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jindere
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人们普遍认为跨国纳税人的国际避税活动是按照“收入向低税国转移,费用向高税国转移”的要求来进行的,因为唯有如此它才真正构成“尽可能减轻跨国纳税义务”的行为,且通常视之为国际避税的一般规律。但就跨国公司的国际避税而言,则并非完全如此,这提出了国际避税到底是否存在这个一般规律问题。 1、跨国公司的经营活动与国际避税。从跨国公司的经营活动来看,其最基本的经营特点在于把“全球”作为战略目标,即是以整个世界为目标来安排投资、生产、销售以及科研等经营活动的。跨国公司在作出经营决策时,所考虑的不是某一家子公司局部的得失,而是整个公司的最大利益;它不仅考虑公司的现在,而且要考虑整个公司将来的发展。相应地,跨 It is generally accepted that multinational taxpayers’ international tax avoidance activities are based on the requirement of “the transfer of income to low-tax countries and the transfer of fees to high-tax-paying countries” because only then does it really constitute “the obligation to minimize transnational tax payments” Behavior, and is generally regarded as the general rule of international tax avoidance. However, this is not entirely the case for the international tax avoidance of multinational corporations, which raises the question of whether the general rule of international tax avoidance exists. 1, multinational corporations operating activities and international tax avoidance. From the perspective of the MNCs’ operating activities, the most basic operating characteristic of MNEs is that they regard “the world” as a strategic goal, that is, they target the entire world for investment, production, sales and scientific research activities. In making their business decisions, MNCs are not considering the local gains and losses but the best interests of the entire company. They consider not only the present situation of the company but also the future development of the entire company. Accordingly, cross
受控外国公司是纳税人利用避税地逃避税收的主要方式之一,它越来越受到发达国家立法部门的关注。受控外国公司(ControlledForeign Company即CFC)是指那些在避税地设立的由本
一、避税地的意义避税地(Tax Haven)一词,英国称为税收庇护所(Tax—shel-tered places),法国称为税收天堂(Tax Paracdises),原西德称为税收绿洲(Tax Oasis)。第二次世界大战
一、避税港及其特点: 避税港,顾名思义就是逃避税收的地方。它实际上是一种税制模式。世界各国经济日益国际化和世界市场的激烈竞争,促使了避税港的产生和发展。目前,世界各
一、英国中央财政与地方财政的关系 英国是一个单一制国家,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰个个地区和大伦敦市组成,地区下辖郡和县。全国共有405个县及县以上地方政权