即使剥夺了约翰·洛克菲勒、比尔·盖茨或者沃伦·巴菲特的所有资产,使其和你站在同一起跑线上,他们依然能够迅速重建自己的财富帝国——因为他们拥有亿万富翁的思维。这种思维取决于你对财富的敏感度。“放在桌上的现金”(cash on the desk),是西方经济学家最常用的隐喻,喻指人们错过的获利机会。如有的人手头有大量现金,却任由这些钱躺在活期账户上面睡大觉。也有的人收入状况良好,却对收入支出没有规划,经常因为突发状况导致自己陷入财务困境。
Even with all the assets of John Rockefeller, Bill Gates or Warren Buffett denied them the same starting line with you, they will still be able to rebuild their wealth empire quickly - because they have a billionaire mindset. This thinking depends on your sensitivity to wealth. “Cash on the desk ” is the most commonly used metaphor of Western economists, referring to the missed opportunities for profit making. If anybody has a lot of cash on hand, let the money lie above the current account. Others have good incomes but have no plans for income and expenditure, often leading to financial distress due to unexpected conditions.