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光还原特别是激光还原金属离子制备纳米结构作为一种化学成分纯净和工艺可控性高的微纳制造手段,已经得到了广泛的研究与应用。目前,该方法加工出的金属结构已应用于光谱检测、生物荧光成像、三维微纳结构制造等领域。针对当前基于双(多)光子吸收效应直写技术无法解决的加工效率低等问题,采用紫外纳秒激光双光束干涉法,提出了一步原位光还原银离子的制造方法。结合紫外和可见光辐照还原银离子,成功制备出大面积具有不同表面形貌的纳米级周期的光栅结构。详细讨论了激光还原时间、银离子浓度、不同波长光辐照等条件对光还原的影响,对双束光干涉以及光还原机制进行了分析。另一方面,银离子还原后形成的结构是由大量的尺寸为几十纳米的颗粒构成,排列紧密,因而具有显著的表面增强拉曼效应。对萘普生分子进行检测后,证实了该纳米结构具有较优的表面增强效果。 Photoreduction, especially laser reduction of metal ions, to prepare nanostructures has been widely studied and applied as a means of micro / nano fabrication with pure chemical composition and high process controllability. At present, the metal structure processed by the method has been applied to the fields of spectrum detection, biological fluorescence imaging and three-dimensional micro-nano structure manufacturing. In order to solve the problem of low processing efficiency that can not be solved by the direct write technology of double (multiple) photon absorption effect, a method of producing in situ photo-reduced silver ion is proposed by using UV nanosecond laser dual-beam interferometry. Combined with UV and visible light irradiation to reduce silver ions, a large-scale nanoscale grating structure with different surface topography was successfully prepared. The effects of laser reduction time, silver ion concentration and different wavelength light irradiation on the photoreduction were discussed in detail. The mechanism of double beam interference and photoreduction were also analyzed. On the other hand, the structure formed after the reduction of silver ions is composed of a large number of particles of several tens of nanometers in size, which are arranged closely and thus have a pronounced surface-enhanced Raman effect. The detection of naproxen molecules, confirmed that the nanostructures have better surface enhancement.
也许是期末家长会的缘故,妈妈群里的妈妈们有些伤脑筋:  “老师反映的问题我也着急啊,可是我怎么说,他能听进去呢?”  “儿子越来越不听话了,以前可是我的小跟屁虫呢,现在怎么喊也不动,有时候一家人做他工作,总算跟着一起外出活动,我看着他那心不甘情不愿的样就难受,以前乖乖的小模样哪去了?”  “我的女儿自从上了初中后,脾气变得老大了。前几天,我们又发生了一场冲突,我跟往常一样在吃晚饭时对她晚回来的事多