我曾经见过一丛石竹花,他使我久久不能忘怀,每次回想起它,总是那样的清新明艳。那是多么顽强的小花呀,它矮矮地不屈地摇动在石缝之中,我仿佛看见了烈士的鲜血和花环。在中国革命史中,诞生过无数英雄的儿女,他们的革命业绩是一部永远写不完的史诗,李大钊就是其中之一。 1920年3月,李大钊在北京大学秘密组织成立了马克思主义学说研究会。研究会很快发展到全国,很多地方成立了分会,很多会员后来参加了中国共产党。1920年9月,北京共产党早期组织——北京共产主义小组建立。同时,在李大钊的关心和支持下,北京社会主义青年团成立了。这些组织,后来都成为了中国共产党早期的组织。
I have seen a bunch of Dianthus flowers, he made me a long time can not forget, every time I recall it, always fresh and bright. What a stubborn flower Yeah, it dwarfly unyielding rock in the rock, I seem to see the martyrs blood and garlands. In the history of Chinese revolution, countless heroes and children were born, their revolutionary performance is an epic that can never be written, Li Dazhao is one of them. In March 1920, Li Dazhao organized the Seminar on Marxist Doctrine in the secret organization of Peking University. The study soon developed to the whole country, many chapters were established, and many members later joined the Communist Party of China. In September 1920, an early organization of the Beijing Communist Party - a Beijing communist group was established. In the meantime, under the care and support of Li Dazhao, the Beijing Youth League for Socialism was formed. These organizations later became the early Chinese Communist Party organizations.