肾周围脓肿是肾被膜外、肾周筋膜内间隙的急性化脓性感染。如延误治疗,脓肿有向胸腹腔、纵隔等处穿破的危险,造成严重并发症。因而国内外学者都主张,一旦诊断明确,必须及时手术引流,笔者应用中西医结合方法治愈2例,现报道如下。例1 蔡某,男性,18岁。左腰背部持续疼痛逐渐加重,伴畏寒发热半个月,于1982年3月30日入院。体检:体温381.6℃,血压118/70mmHg,左侧腰背部饱满不对称,左肾区有明显压痛和叩击痛。血常规,白细胞14100,中性90%,血红蛋白6g,红细胞315万;尿
Peritoneal abscess is the renal capsule, the perirenal fascia gap acute suppurative infection. Such as delay treatment, abscess to the chest and abdomen, mediastinum and other places at risk of perforation, causing serious complications. Therefore, both domestic and foreign scholars have advocated that once the diagnosis is clear, we must timely surgical drainage, the author of Integrative Medicine two cases were cured, are reported below. Example 1 Cai Mou, male, 18 years old. Continued pain left lower back continued to increase, with chills and fever for half a month, was March 30, 1982 admission. Physical examination: body temperature 381.6 ℃, blood pressure 118 / 70mmHg, full of left lumbar asymmetry, left kidney area was tenderness and percussion pain. Blood, white blood cells 14100, 90% neutral, hemoglobin 6g, red blood cells 3.15 million; urine