莱斯特.布朗,美国农业经济学家,现任地球政策研究所(Earth Policy Institute)所长。布朗多年从事农业、生态、环境及相关经济模式的研究,并在1981年首次提出“可持续发展”的概念。其“生态经济”、“B模式”等观点亦在环境、经济和政策方面产生了巨大的影响。布朗在1995年出版的“Who will feed China”一书中提出了中国的粮食问题。由于当时的社会背景,布朗一度被划为“中国威胁论倡导者”之列。十年间,中国学界和公众在对布朗的抨击与争议中认识和理解了布朗的学说,并在今天给予了相当程度的承认。
Lester Brown, a U.S. agricultural economist and now director of the Earth Policy Institute. Brown for many years engaged in agriculture, ecology, environment and related economic model of the study, and for the first time in 1981 put forward the concept of “sustainable development.” Its “eco-economy” and “B-mode” views have also had a huge impact on the environment, economy and policy. In his 1995 book, Who will feed China, Brown raised the issue of China’s food. Due to the prevailing social background, Brown was once classified as “China threat advocate.” During the past ten years, Chinese academics and the general public have come to understand and understand Brown’s theory in criticisms and disputes against Brown, and have given a considerable degree of recognition today.