虚拟商店是经济生活中最重要的发明之一。它既受传统商店影响 ,也具有自己独特的魅力。影响虚拟商店成功的因素有商品及商品信息 ,商品搜索和网站导航功能 ,还包括顾客服务 ,在线支付和在线促销的功能。在构建虚拟商店时应充分考虑这些因素 ,设计出适当的界面 ,以使虚拟商店的顾客获得最大的满意度。
Virtual stores are one of the most important inventions in economic life. It is both affected by the traditional shops, but also has its own unique charm. Factors that influence the success of virtual stores include product and product information, product search, and site navigation features, as well as customer service, online payment, and online promotions. When building your virtual store, consider these factors and design the appropriate interface to maximize customer satisfaction in your virtual store.