这两年 ,浙江宁波一带的洗衣机制造业异军突起 ,市场份额已占到全国的 1 / 4。曾几何时 ,大厂生产的洗衣机被贴上了纳米、抗菌、静音、全自动、智能化等等高科技的标签 ,产品的确超前赶上了时髦。可如此一来 ,生产成本也跟着涨上去。无奈 ,城市家庭的洗衣机几尽饱和 ,玩“超前
In the past two years, the washing machine manufacturing industry in Ningbo, Zhejiang, has risen to the top, and its market share has accounted for 1/4 of the country’s total. Once upon a time, the washing machines produced by Dachang were affixed with high-tech labels such as nano, antibacterial, silent, fully automatic, and intelligent, and the products were indeed ahead of fashion. As a result, production costs have also risen. Helpless, the city family’s washing machine exhausted, play "advanced