研究了烧结温度、晶粒大小以及掺杂离子对固态晶体生长的影响.在热致固态晶体生长的过程中,接近键合面的陶瓷会被单晶诱导而转变成取向一样的单晶,同时形成稳固的键合.实验利用这种方法制备核层为12at%Yb:YAG陶瓷(100 mm),包层为YAG晶体的平面波导结构.这种方法制备的波导结构没有Yb离子的浓度扩散现象.同时,还测试了平面波导结构的激光性能:通过设计平平腔实现了1.14 W,斜率效率16.09%的激光输出;在三镜腔中实现1.83 W,斜率效率9.59%的激光输出.并且激光输出在1027.5 nm到1033.5 nm间连续可调.“,”The effect of different factors,i.e., annealing temperature, grain size, and dopant ion on the solid-state crystal growth (SSCG), was studied in this work. In the SSCG process induced by heat treatment, a single crystal ab-sorbs grains near the bonding interface, forming a robust bond. Using this method, a planar waveguide (PWG) con-sisting of a core layer of 12at% Yb:YAG polycrystal (100μm) was fabricated and cladded by two YAG single crystal layers. No Yb3+ ion diffusion was observed. The CW laser performance of the Yb:YAG PWG was investigated. A maximum power of 1.14 W with a slope efficiency of 16.09% was obtained in the plano-plano resonator, and a maxi-mum power of 1.83 W with a slope efficiency of 9.59% was obtained in the three-mirror resonator. A tunable laser with a continuous output between 1027.5 nm and 1033.5 nm was realized.