
来源 :汽车技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:everywherecsu
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去年年底,我处进来一批太脱拉和贝利埃汽车,在使用中曾出现车桥断裂和缸体冻裂等故障。我们电焊工人,在党的领导下,在批林批孔运动的推动下,以路线为纲,破除迷信,解放思想,勇于实践,勇于创新,大胆向洋设备开刀,先后成功地用焊接法修补了那些断裂的车桥和缸体。一焊修太脱拉汽车车桥我处二队的一批太脱拉138型载重汽车,在使用中发现前、中、后桥发生断裂。焊前,先将断裂处用手电钻钻孔,然后剔槽,用砂轮打光,并用钢丝刷刷净。再用扁铲在裂纹处开坡口,注意不要留下尖角。 Late last year, I come in a group of Tai Laila and Bailey car, in use there have been broken axles and cylinder block cracking and other failures. Under the leadership of the party, under the leadership of the party, under the leadership of the party, the welders, taking the route as the key link, have broken away from superstition, emancipated their minds, dared to practice and are bold in innovations. They boldly opened their doors to foreign equipment and successfully repaired the welding equipment. Those broken axles and cylinders. A welding repair Tai La car axle I was the second team of a number of pull off 138-type truck, found in use, before and after the bridge broke. Before welding, the first broken hole with a hand drill, and then pick slot, polished with a grinding wheel, and wire brush brush net. Then flat shovel in the crack groove, be careful not to leave sharp corners.
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