英国的公地在长达数百年间都是依靠习惯法和当地的地方传统、特别是各地的“庄园法”(manorial law)来进行管理的。公地的使用人并不对公地享有任何私人财产权,而只是集体性地拥有对公地的“共同使用权”(common right of use),即使在“圈地运动”之后,那些失地的农民也并未丧失对公地的共同使用权。①在这种
For centuries, the commonwealth in Britain had been governed by customary law and local traditions, especially the “manorial law” of various places. The users of the commons do not enjoy any private property rights over the commons, but only have the “common right of use” of the commons collectively, even after “enclosure exercise” Landless peasants have also not lost the right to use common land. ① in this