金秋十月,IT 界异常活跃,厂商们既喜收硕果又忙着为今后播种。IT 巨子联想集团日前在香港宣布了2000/2001年度中期业绩。截至2000年9月30日的中期业绩,综合营业额约为130.9亿港币,较去年同期营业额73.33亿港元上升了78.5%,集团股东应占盈利约4.08亿港元,相对去年同期的股东盈利1.74亿港元增加了135.3%,其中联想电脑公司的互联网接入设备业务营业额大幅增长115%,家用电脑及笔记本电脑的销量更分别激增164%和127%,联想继续保持了健康快速的增长势头。
In the autumn of October, the IT community was extremely active. The vendors were both happy and busy to sow in the future. IT giant Lenovo Group recently announced its 2000/2001 interim results in Hong Kong. For the interim results as of September 30, 2000, the consolidated turnover was approximately HK$13.09 billion, which represented an increase of 78.5% compared to the turnover of HK$7.333 billion in the same period of last year. The Group’s shareholder’s profit attributable to the company was approximately HK$408 million, which was a 1.74% compared with the same period last year. HK$1 billion increased by 135.3%, of which Lenovo Computer’s revenue from its Internet access equipment business increased by 115%, and sales of home computers and laptops surged by 164% and 127% respectively. Lenovo continued its healthy and rapid growth.