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随着电子商务的井喷式发展,O2O已成为汽车行业一种主要的新型网络营销模式,基于O2O模式的中职汽车营销校内实训基地建设势在必行。基于O2O模式的中职汽车营销校内实训基地建设主要包括以下内容:引入并搭建汽车营销O2O模式电子商务平台;建立汽车营销线上实时呼叫中心,实现线上到线下的无缝对接;开发汽车营销微信O2O商务模式;建设企业形象维护系统;建立汽车营销邮件列表系统。同时,基于O2O模式的中职汽车营销校内实训基地建设要注意教学和实训脱离实际岗位,实训基地的日常运营及维护,实训师资、课程和实训指导书的同步配套等问题。 With the development of e-commerce blowout, O2O has become a major new online marketing model in the automotive industry. The construction of on-campus training base for secondary vocational education based on the O2O model is imperative. Based on the O2O model, the construction of training base for secondary vocational school automobile marketing mainly includes the following contents: Introducing and building O2O mode e-commerce platform for automobile marketing; Establishing a real-time call center for automobile marketing and realizing seamless connection from online to offline; WeChat O2O car business marketing model; building a corporate image maintenance system; set up a car marketing mailing list system. At the same time, based on the O2O model, the construction of training base for secondary vocational school automobile marketing should pay attention to such issues as the teaching and training detaching from the actual post, the daily operation and maintenance of training base, the training of trainee teachers, the synchronization of courses and training instruction.
目的:本课题旨在研究肉苁蓉提取物对于雄性生精障碍大鼠的药理学作用并初步探讨其可能的作用机理,为肉苁蓉进一步开发成治疗男性不育的新药奠定理论基础。   方法:分离并纯
超抗原(Superantigen, SAg)这一概念最早是由John Kappler在1989年提出,由于其具大量活化T细胞的能力。这是免疫学家对金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素(Staphylococcal enterotoxins, S