【摘 要】
工 程机械大修停机时间较长且用户需付出较多的费用 ,因此在维修前需对各总成部件分别作性能检测 ,提供可靠的数据 ,以判断是否需要大修。在选择修理厂时 ,若能选择设备、技
【机 构】
四川师范大学工程系 四川成都610072
工 程机械大修停机时间较长且用户需付出较多的费用 ,因此在维修前需对各总成部件分别作性能检测 ,提供可靠的数据 ,以判断是否需要大修。在选择修理厂时 ,若能选择设备、技术一流和服务良好的厂家则可大大降低用户的费用 ,确保修理质量 ,解除其后顾之忧。1工程机械进维修厂前
Overhaul of construction machinery takes longer to stop and the user has to pay more. Therefore, before performing maintenance, performance tests must be performed on the assembly components separately to provide reliable data to determine whether overhauls are required. When choosing a repair shop, if you can choose the equipment, first-class technology and good service manufacturers can greatly reduce the cost of users, to ensure the quality of repair, to lift the worries. 1 construction machinery into the maintenance plant before
Excitation(T_ exc) and rotation(T_ rot) temperatures were determined under different conditions for an oxygen-shielded argon microwave plasmsa torch source(OS-A
理事长:杨振怀来(水利电力部副部长)副理事长(按姓氏笔划为序): 陈耀邦带(农牧渔业部副部长) 杨文治辛(中国科学院西北水土保持研究所 所长)秘书长:阎树文(兼)副秘书长(按姓
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Magnesia-doped partially stability zirconia ceramics containing 10% MgO (Mg-PSZ) that was alloyed with different concentration of CeO2 were sintered at 1550~1600
广大农村对灌溉水的水质要求不严,一般认为只要是甜水(矿化度不高的淡水)都可用于灌溉。其实凡不符合灌溉水质指标的水源,是不能盲目引入农田的。 据《水利水电技术》1982年
The binary mixture of Yb2O3-La2O3 was used as an additive to improve the traditional electroless plating for Pd-Ag co-deposition on the inside surface of a poro