江西的白蚁种类及分布,过去无系统调查。1978—1981年,笔者在南昌、景德镇、上饶、赣洲、武夷山、庐山、信丰、定南、寻乌、瑞金、永修、进贤、波阳、高安、婺源等地进行调查采集,标本经鉴定共有21种,现记录如下。1.家白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shinaki 分布全省各县市均有。寄主木材、纸张、纺织物、橡胶等。简介4—5月分飞,建大型复杂蚁巢。2.黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes speratus(Kolbe) 分布全省各县市均有。寄主腐烂木材及近地面建筑物。
Termites species and distribution in Jiangxi, no systematic investigation in the past. From 1978 to 1981, the author conducted surveys and acquisitions in Nanchang, Jingdezhen, Shangrao, Ganzhou, Wuyishan, Lushan, Xinfeng, Dingnan, Xunwu, Ruijin, Yongxiu, Jinxian, A total of 21 species are identified, are as follows. 1 home termite Coptotermes formosanus Shinaki distribution in all cities and counties in the province. Host wood, paper, textiles, rubber and so on. Brief introduction 4 - May fly, build large and complex ant nest. 2 yellow chest termite Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) distribution in all cities and counties in the province. Host rotting wood and near-surface buildings.