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  【摘 要】 学生的深度思维能力、审辩式思维能力、创造性思维能力在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用。本文将焦点放在高中英语课堂,以一堂说、读最后到写的综合技能课为例,努力尝试以说和读促思考,以说和读培养思维的训练方式,使学生的各个方面的综合能力在一堂课中得到一定程度的培养。
  【关键词】 审辩式思维 创新思维能力 高中英语
  美国著名教育家布鲁姆教授认为人的高阶思维(higher order thinking)包括了自主学习与合作解决问题的能力、创造性思维能力、审辩式思维能力、深度思维能力等。他创立的认知目标分类理论把认知领域的教育目标分成识记、理解、应用、分析、评价和创造六个类别, 其中分析、评价和创造,他认为就是“高阶思维”(洛林·安德森,2009)。结合所选语言材料的特点,该堂课努力尝试以说和读促思考,以说和读培养思维的训练方式,努力去呈现一堂说、读最后到写的综合技能课。
  (1)让学生了解故事叙述的基本要素并能领会到The theme of a story is what it needs to make a story more than a story;
  在设计时,始终围绕一个核心词语:catch;从课前热身环节别具一格的猜词设计(猜词答案是catch),到分析故事基本要素中小男孩catch a fish, 再到分析父亲人物性格中小男孩似乎是catch something from his father,最后通过“照镜子”的方式去反观现实中我们的言行,进而检验我们的学生是否catch something good from the passage。
  Step 1 Warming-up
  Class. Just now your maths teacher told me that you’re very good at maths. So I am thinking about having you guys use your maths knowledge to solve an English puzzle. The answer to the puzzle is an English word. Each of these answers represents the position of an English letter in the English alphabet. So altogether we’ll get five letters. Put together the five letters and you will get the word. Take lg1000 for an example.
  T: What’s lg1000?
  S: Three
  T: What’s the 3rd letter in the English alphabet?   S: C
  T: Now let’s do it.
  lg1000=? tan45°=? |20|=? √9=? 2?=?
  T: So the word is catch. But please tell me what you can catch in your life.
  S: Some animals, for example, birds, goats, fish or even our teachers’ suggestions etc.
  T: Okay! What do you expect to catch in today’s English class. Now let’s read a story—Catch of __________
  Step 2 The story
  教师发出如下指令: Let’s read the story from P1-P6 and answer the six questions:
  ◆ Who were the heroes? ◆ Where were they?
  ◆ When was it? ◆ What were they doing?
  ◆ Did the son catch anything?
  ◆ What did the son do with it?
  (教师在黑板上画Father,Son &Fish的简笔画,并要求学生把刚才的答案组成一句话:On an evening , a father and son were fishing from the dock of their house. The son was told to free the fish because the bass season was not opened then.)
  Step 3 The father
  ◆What kind of person was the father? (provide supporting sentences)
  ◆What did the son “catch” from his father?
  T: Class. The story is just a simple story, but what makes a story more than a story? Please share your ideas with your shoulder partners...
  S1: ...
  S2: ... (学生不能回答时可引导他们:A story always wants to tell us something. So, what is the thing?—Theme 教师板书Theme)
  T: In order to catch the theme of the story. Let’s read the whole passage. Please unfold the whole story. Discuss within groups and figure out what kind of person the father is. Remember to outline some supporting sentences.
  S: Honest, strict, caring/loving/ kind... (注意引导学生找到相应的supporting sentences)
  T: Class. You’ve done a good job. But did the son catch something from his father?
  S: Yes.
  T: What is it?
  S: ...
  此环节旨在让学生学会细读,学会对细节进行深度挖掘,并试图培养他们审辩式思维。学生们对文中所描绘的父亲,其体会和感觉是不一样的,这没有固定的标准答案来回答父亲是一个什么样的人,其关键在于学生“入情,入境”后的理解。课堂上审辩式思维的过程是一个师生不断互动的过程。学生通过课堂获取的信息与自己已有的经验进行比较,并且思考是否认同某一理由或说法。(Cottrell, 2011)
  Step 4 The fish
  Boys and girls. In Paragraph 7, the writer says “... he does see that same fish again and again...” The fish that the son sees is more than just a fish. Please discuss in groups and answer:   ◆What is “that same fish”?
  ◆How do you understand “ethics”?
  此环节在围绕文章主线“catch”的基础上,引导学生去思考生活中碰到的“fish”是什么,并让学生深度分析ethics在文中的含义。在课堂教学实施中学生单一去理解ethics有相当大的难度,而作者对ethics的解释即在下一段首句:Ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. 这对学生进行阅读微技能中猜词能力的培养是很好的例证。
  Step 5 Do we?
  ◆What is “that same fish” you have met?
  ◆Share with us what you did with the “fish”.
  T: My dear teachers and students. We do catch this kind of fish in our life from time to time. Right? Please share with us the fish you’ve met with in your life. And how do you deal with the fish? Are we like them in the pictures?
  S: ...
  此环节力图和Step 4 联系起来,通过“照镜子”的自省方式来反思和规范我们的日常行为,以期达到教育的目的。柏拉图曾说:“什么是教育?教育是为了以后的生活所进行的训练,它能使人变善,从而高尚地行动”,“我们可以断言教育不是像有些人所说的,他们可以把知识装进空无所有的心灵里,仿佛他们可以把视觉装进盲者的眼里,教育乃是‘心灵的转向’”。從课堂的实施效果来看,学生们的参与度不错,同时学生对彼此的论述也持有批判的意见。这样的课堂设置促进了学生辩式思维能力的发展。
  Step 6 Be critical
  ◆Was the father’s teaching the best? If you were the father, what would you do?
  ◆Putting the fish back means obeying the rules. So is obeying the rules always right?
  T: Was the father’s teaching the best? If you were the father, what would you do?
  S: ...
  T: (追问学生): If I allowed my son to keep the fish, how would you punish me? Fine me or throw me into prison?
  S: ...
  T: Does putting the fish back means obeying the rules? But is obeying the rules always right? For example, we were told not to tell a lie. It’s a kind of rule. But how about facing those bad guys? We were told not to run the red light. What if someone in your family were seriously ill and you had to send her/him to hospital as soon as possible?
  S: ...
  Step 7 The title
  ◆ Complete the title.
  ◆ Compare your group’s title with the author’s.
  T: Boys and girls, your performance today is fantastic. However, our story today has got no title. Please discuss in groups to name a new title. Later on, let’s compare whether our title is better than that of the author’s.   S: An Unforgettable Evening/ Fishing/ Father and Son/ Caching a Bass/ The Fish ...
  教师先让学生讨论,分享然后给出作者原来的题目:Catch of a Lifetime (一生的收获)
  此环节力图让学生在深入理解文章主题的同时,培养其创新思维能力。没有最好的标题,只有更好的。学生们所站的维度,理解的深浅都直接或间接地影响了标题的拟定。从现场的生成来看,学生的标题都有针对性和概括性,例如:Catching More Than a Fish;An Unforgettable Evening etc.
  Step 8 Assignment
  Continue to write what kind of person the son would become if his father didn’t ask him to put the fish back. Share your story later in your English class.
  此环节旨在通过续写故事的方式,让学生对文章所传递的内容做进一步的思考。最后教师总结提升“人生要读三本书:有字之书,无字之书和心灵之书”。(Everyone will have to read three books in his whole life: a book with words, a book without words, a book of his own heart.)
  现代学习观认为,学习是学生主动建构知识的过程,是通过参与者的行为和交互作用而生成的,而不是通过教学计划预先设定的课程(郝永华, 2010)。学生的回答都是现场生成的,而往往现场生成的东西,才是最真实的。
  在Step 5时,通过“照镜子”的方式,让学生去反思自己平时的言行,从而在孩子心中悄悄种下一颗德育的种子。期间无须过多的说理,德育目的自然达到。这在一定程度上诠释了程晓堂老师所提的,“教师要善于走出教材,活用教材,充分挖掘教材中蕴含的德育因素,培养学生良好的情感态度(程晓堂, 2002)。”
  [1]教育部. 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)[M]. 北京:人民教育出版社,2003.
  [2]龚亚夫. 多元目标英语课程[M]. 高等教育出版社,2015.
  [3]洛林·安德森. 布卢姆教育目标分类学[M]. 外语教学与研究出版社出版,2009.
  [4]外语教学与研究出版社. 普通高中课程标准试验教科书. 英语(必修 4)高中二年级上学期[T]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2014.
  [5]程晓堂. 英语教材分析与设计[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.
  [6]郝永华. 课堂因生成的实现而精彩[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究,2010(11):24-27.
  [7]Nunan, D. Task-based Language Teaching[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  [8]Cottrell, S. Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument[M]. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
  [9]Glaser, Edward M. Experiment in the Development of Critical Thinking (Columbia University Teachers College Contributions to Education No 843) [M]. New York : AMS Press, 1972.
  Catch of ______________
  ① He was 11 and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family’s small house on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.
  ② On the day before the bass (鲈鱼) season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and bass with worms. Then he tied on a small silver lure (诱饵) and practiced casting (抛线). The lure struck the water and caused colored ripples (涟漪) in the sunset, then silver ripples as the moon rose over the lake. When his fishing pole bent a lot, he knew something big was on the other end. His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully worked the fish along the dock.   ③ Finally, he carefully lifted the exhausted fish from the water. Wow! It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.
  ④ The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish, gills (鰓) playing back and forth in the moonlight. The father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 22:00PM—two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, and then at the boy. “You’ll have to put it back, son.” he said. “Dad!” cried the boy. “There will be other fish,” said his father. “But not as big as this one,” cried the boy.
  ⑤ The boy looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by his father’s clear voice that his decision was not changed. He slowly worked the hook out of the mouth of the big bass and put it into the black water. The creature swung its tail and disappeared. The boy doubted that he would never see such a great fish again.
  ⑥ That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is successful in New York. His father’s small house is still there. He takes his own children fishing from the same dock.
  ⑦ And he was right. He has never again caught such a great fish as the one he freed that night long ago. But he does see that same fish—again and again—every time he faces a question of ethics.
  ⑧ As his father taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult. Do we do right when no one is looking? Do we run the red light when there’re no cars?
  ⑨ We would if we were taught to put the fish back when we were young. For we would have learned the truth. The decision to do right always lives fresh in our memory. It is a story we should proudly tell our friends and children. Not about how we had a chance to beat the system and took it, but about how we did the right thing and were forever strengthened.
选修六  跟踪导练(一)  阅读地带  A: 1—3 DAAB: 4—7 ABDC  阅读七选五  1—5 EBGCF  完形填空  1—5 BCCAD6—10 AABCD  11—15 BACBD16—20 ACBAA  单词训练营  1. serious2. lack3. advance4. nodded  5. sighed6. prize7. tidied8. favour  9. Cer
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